Wednesday 9 October 2013

Fabulous Fairisle

Katie is simply flawless when it comes to fairisle.  The tension is lovely and the twenty four stitch punchcard grid allows for enough detail.   Well, it does in the hands of the fabulous designer and artist Iris Bishop.  Here are some of the cushion covers I have created on Katie as Christmas gifts this year.

This was machine knit on T7.  The beige is Forsell 4 ply and the blue is Posh Hannah Sock 'Start a Revolution'.  

The pink is Dye-Version 'Tickled Pink' with silver running through it.   The ballerinas are in Texere Silk.   Again T7.  

Here's the all over version of the swimmers.   Posh Erin 'Afraid of Nothing' and Forsell 4 ply in Chamois.  T7 again. 


Zippy came home to join the rest of us in the workroom on Sunday 6th October. Progress so far...

This is Rowan Colourscape Chunky knit on T9.   It's going to be the back of a jacket. 

Fantastically, the Zippy 90 knits to something very similar to a handknitting tension so I am simply adjusting the Sarah Hatton pattern Jinx from the Colourscape Chunky Collection. 

Katie is a Silver Reed 210. Penny is a Pfaff Passap Duomatic 80. Zippy is a Zippy 90. This blog is for me to keep a record of our adventures...